Pricing Change

By Jennifer LeBlanc July 14, 2017

Hello, everybody!
It’s been over five years since SuBLime released its very first digital title right here on the SuBLime site (Devil’s Honey on 2/14/12!), and over these last five years, we’ve been able to maintain the pricing on our digital manga at a very low $5.99, which is less than 50% of the print price—a percentage that is lower than industry average. However, the time has now come for us to raise the $5.99 digital price point so it is more in line with what makes financial sense for us. As of 8/14/17, we will increase our $5.99 digital price point by $1.00 to $6.99 (all other price points will remain unchanged at this time).
We’ve always taken a stance of transparency with our readers, which is why we’re giving you a full 30 days to continue enjoying that lower $5.99 pricing. And because our success has only been possible with your support, we’re going to further sweeten the pot by running a three-day digital sale here on the site starting August 1st (801 Day!) so you can snap up any $5.99 books you’ve been eyeing and get them at an even lower price of $4.99!
Thank you again for all of your support! We wouldn’t be here without you. 

~Jennifer LeBlanc